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How to view the email traffic report - Knowledgebase / Administrator Help / Communication - MemberNova Support

How to view the email traffic report

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The Email Traffic Report contains all of the statistics from the emails sent from your account. This allows you to see what emails have been sent, from which area, and the email's status. It can also display the recipient's email address and the content of the email. You can access the Email Traffic Report by following the steps below:

  1. Click Settings or the Gear icon on the left menu.

  2. Click on the Communication tab.

  3. Click the Email Traffic Report link in the Email Reports section.

  4. This will take you to the Email Traffic report. By default, it displays all of the emails sent within the last month. Below are the details shown on the page:

    • Date range fields and Generate Report button - If you want to see different dates in the report, you could enter a new date range in the date fields and click the Generate Report button. This will reload the page to display the emails sent from the new date range.

    • Search - This allows you to search for the text entered into the Date, Sender, Type, Subject, Emails Sent, and Total Size columns.

    • Chart Columns

      • Date - The date the email was sent.

      • Sender - The name of the sender on the email.

      • Type - The area where the email was sent from. E.g., Events, Triggered Email (from a form, listing, or profile), etc.

      • Subject - The subject of the email.

      • Emails Sent - The number of recipients.

      • Total Size - The size of the email in KB (kilobytes).

      • Actions - Contains a Preview button. This allows you to view the email that was sent before any merging happens. To see the details of the email that the member sees, preview the email while on the email’s statistics page.

  5. If you click on the number in the Emails Sent column, it will take you to the Email Statistics page which will display the email's statistics.

Email Statistics

The Email Statistics page displays the statistics of the email. It shows the percentage of how many have been opened, delivered, and undelivered.


You can hover over top of the question mark (?) icon in each of the Opened, Successfully Delivered, or Undelivered & Errors sections to learn more.

The following is a list of email statuses:

  • Successfully Delivered - This is the total number of emails that have been successfully delivered to the recipients.

  • Queued For Delivery - This is number of emails that are ready to be sent but are in queue for delivery. Emails are queued to improve deliverability.

  • Blocked - This is the number of emails that have been blocked due to deliverability problems, such as a bad domain name, incorrect email format, or if the recipient previously reported messages as spam. You can view or unblock them through the Email Blocked List.

  • Bounce - This shows the number of emails that could not be delivered, because an error message was received back from the recipient’s email service. There are two different types of bounces:

    • Hard Bounce - A hard bounce occurs when there is a permanent reason that the email cannot be delivered, such as an invalid email address.

    • Soft Bounce - A soft bounce is usually a temporary error.

  • Total Recipients - This is the total number of email recipients.

The following are the definitions for the columns that make up the Email Statistics page:

  • Status - The status of the email.

  • To - The email address it was sent to.

  • Date - The date of when it was sent.

  • Actions - Contains a preview button. This allows you to view the content of the email that was received.

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