Custom Email Templates allow you to create customized messages as templates. These pre-designed message templates can be applied to outgoing emails or notifications.
Email Templates
Click Settings or the gear icon, on the left menu.
Click on the Communication tab.
Click on one of the links in the Email Templates section.
This will display a list of existing email templates with the following information:
Name - The name of the email template.
Subject - The subject of the email template.
System tag - Some email templates will display a System tag. This shows the email template comes from the system itself and not from your account.
Actions button - A list of actions you can take.
Make Default - This sets the email template as your personal default email template when creating an email.
Preview - Previews the email template to see its content.
Edit - Lets you modify the email template.
Usage - This displays were the template is used.
Copy - Creates a duplicate of the email template.
Delete - Deletes the non-system email template.
Restore - Restores the edited system email template back to it’s default.
Creating an Email Template
From the Email Templates list, click on the Add New Template button.
You will be asked to fill in the following fields:
Name - The name of the email template.
Subject - The subject of the email template.
Preview Text - A text snippet that may be displayed in the recipient's inbox after the subject line.
Message Template Code - The code of the email template (optional).
Insert Mail Merge Fields - This allows you to enter merge fields into the email template.
HTML - The content of the email.
Text - The text only content of the email. When plain text is populated, email clients with HTML disabled will still display the text version.
Generate text version - This allows you to generate a text only version of the HTML content of the email, overwriting the current Text version of the email.
Click Save when done.