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How to search for a member - Knowledgebase / Administrator Help / FAQs - MemberNova Support

How to search for a member

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There are several ways to search for members, depending on the account’s configuration.

Member or Non-Member List

One way to search for members or non-members is by using the search filters through the Member or Non-Member list.

  1. From the Admin dashboard, click Members, Non-Members, Staff, or another list.

  2. On the list, you will see several search filters, also referred to as "Smart Search" filters. Below are a few examples of the types of filters you will see:

    • First Name - The person’s first name.

    • Last Name - The person’s last name.

    • Email Address - The person’s email address.

  3. To use additional filters, click More Filters. Some additional filters are:

    • Membership Type - The member’s membership type.

    • Join Date - The date the member joined the organization.

    • Balance - The member’s balance.

    • Last Login - The last time the member logged in.

  4. Click the Search button to perform your search.

Global Search

Another method to search for members or non-members is to use the Global Search box located at the top right of the member area.

  1. Simply begin to enter the name or email of the person you are searching for.

  2. Select the member from the list of results to go into their profile. The Global Search can also find events and groups as well!

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