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How to add staff - Knowledgebase / Administrator Help / Membership - MemberNova Support

How to add staff

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You can add staff to your organization to provide them access to MemberNova with different roles.

  1. Click the Add Staff button from the Admin Dashboard.

  2. Fill these details for the staff record:

    • Details

      • Profile Photo - The person’s profile photo. Click Select Image for Upload, then in your device’s files, select the image file, and click Open to upload it into the staff record.

      • First Name - The person’s first name.

      • Last Name - The person’s last name.

      • Email Address - The person’s email address.

      • Country Code - The phone country code. Select a country to populate the phone country code.

      • Preferred Phone - The person’s preferred phone number.

      • Job Title - The person’s title.

    • Staff Directory Settings

      • Include in the Staff Directory? - This allows the staff member to be displayed in the Staff Directory.

    • Login Account - The login and roles for the person.

      • Assign Roles - Assign a role to the person.

    • Permission to Store Personal Data

      • By selecting this checkbox, you agree that you have this individual's consent... Checkbox (Required) - This checkbox grants consent for the organization to store the person’s information into the system.

  3. Click Save.

  4. You will be redirected to the person’s profile to make additional changes.

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